Vacation Bible School - The Great Jungle Journey!
August 6, 2024     .     6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

VBS 2024 - An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation
August 5-8

Pre-register your children here!

For Preschool - Kids on the Go ages
6:30pm - 8:00pm each night

There will be skits, worship, games, crafts, snacks, competitions, and a message each night.
Night 1, we will be looking at the Green Parrot and how God created the world.
Night 2, we will look at the Poison Dart Frog and how sin brought corruption, catastrophe and confusion.
Night 3, we will look at the Pink River Dolphin and how Christ through the Cross saved us.
Night 4, we will look at the Bird-Wing Butterfly and how God will complete his eternal plan.